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Saanen là giống dê chuyên sữa, màu trắng/ cream, sở dĩ có tên như vậy là vì có nguồn gốc từ thung lũng Saanen củaThụy-Sĩ,trải rộng khắp Âu-Châu vào thế kỷ thứ 19 và Mỹ vào thế kỷ 20 vì có các ưu điểm: Cho nhiều sữa nhất, thời gian cho sữa dài nhất, sữa rất bổ dưỡng và thơm ngon, rất thân thiện với con người, dễ huấn luyện...ở Việt Nam dê Saanen được xác nhận là giống vật nuôi cao sản theo thông tư 14/2014/TT-BNNPTNT. Ngày 28/04/2014
Mời các bạn xem trang trại dê Saanen của Hà Lan tại '' Geiten ophalen en melken';'

Saanen goats are a white or cream-colored breed of goat, named for the Saanen valley in Switzerland.[1] By the late 19th century they had spread across Europe, and in the early 20th century were brought to the US. In the 21st century, they are among the most popular dairy goat breeds, due to their high productivity and ease of management.
Saanens are the largest and one of the calmest of the dairy breeds. The Saanen breed also produces the most milk on average and tends to have a lower butterfat content, about 2.5%-3%.
The Saanen temperament is as a rule, calm and mild mannered; breeders have been know to refer to them as living marshmallows. Saanen goats are easier for children to handle and are popular in the showmanship classes due to their calm nature. They originated in the Saanen valley in the south of Canton Berne, Switzerland. In 1893 several thousand head were taken out of the valley and spread throughout Europe. Between 1904 and the 1930’s approximately 150 Saanens were imported into the United States from Switzerland.
A female Saanen goat produces about 3.8 liters milk daily. Nowadays, Saanen goats are being raised throughout the world. In United States this breed is one of the best and preferred dairy goat mainly for their consistency in producing large amounts of milk in accordance with their sturdiness, easy keepability and ability to tolerate environmental changes. The main benefits of raising Saanen goat is that, their care and management is very easy (even a child can take care of them) and they produces milk highly
Chèvre Saanen
Originaire de la vallée de la Saanen, en Suisse, la chèvre Saanen a été implantée dans de nombreux pays. Elle donne des résultats excellents, montrant une excellente adaptation aux différents régimes alimentaires, en montagne ou en plaine. On peut la considérer comme la race caprine laitière la plus répandue dans le monde.
La Saanen est une race laitière spécialisée répandue dans le monde entier. Sa docilité et sa très bonne production laitière la rendent particulièrement bien adaptée aux systèmes d’élevage intensifs. Son lait est aussi bien utilisé pour la transformation industrielle que pour la transformation à la ferme.

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Goat Milk
Benefits of Goat Milk
What does goat’s milk give you that cow’s milk doesn’t? In many parts of the world, goat’s milk is preferred to cow’s milk. Even in the United States, goat milk is gaining popularity. Goats eat less and occupy less grazing space than cows, and in some families the backyard goat supplies milk for family needs. Goat’s milk is believed to be more easily digestible and less allergenic than cow’s milk. Does it deserve this reputation? Let’s disassemble goat’s milk, nutrient-by-nutrient, to see how it compares with cow’s milk.
Different Fat
Goat’s milk contains around ten grams of fat per eight ounces compared to 8 to 9 grams in whole cow’s milk, and it’s much easier to find lowfat and non-fat varieties of cow’s milk than it is to purchase lowfat goat’s milk. Unlike cow’s milk, goat’s milk does not contain agglutinin. As a result, the fat globules in goat’s milk do not cluster together, making them easier to digest. Like cow’s milk, goat’s milk is low in essential fatty acids, because goats also have EFA-destroying bacteria in their ruminant stomachs. Yet, goat milk is reported to contain more of the essential fatty acids linoleic and arachnodonic acids, in addition to a higher proportion of short-chain and medium-chain fatty acids. These are easier for intestinal enzymes to digest.
Different Protein
Goat milk protein forms a softer curd (the term given to the protein clumps that are formed by the action of your stomach acid on the protein), which makes the protein more easily and rapidly digestible. Theoretically, this more rapid transit through the stomach could be an advantage to infants and children who regurgitate cow’s milk easily. Goat’s milk may also have advantages when it comes to allergies. Goat’s milk contains only trace amounts of an allergenic casein protein, alpha-S1, found in cow’s milk. Goat’s milk casein is more similar tohuman milk, yet cow’s milk and goat’s milk contain similar levels of the other allergenic protein, beta lactoglobulin. Scientific studies have not found a decreased incidence of allergy with goat’s milk, but here is another situation where mothers’ observations and scientific studies are at odds with one another. Some mothers are certain that their child tolerates goat’s milk better than cow’s milk, and mothers are more sensitive to children’s reactions than scientific studies.
Less Lactose
Goat’s milk contains slightly lower levels of lactose (4.1 percent versus 4.7 percent in cow’s milk), which may be a small advantage inlactose-intolerant persons.
Different Minerals
Although the mineral content of goat’s milk and cow’s milk is generally similar, goat’s milk contains 13 percent more calcium, 25 percent more vitamin B-6, 47 percent more vitamin A, 134 percent more potassium, and three times more niacin. It is also four times higher in copper. Goat’s milk also contains 27 percent more of the antioxidant selenium than cow’s milk. Cow’s milk contains five times as much vitamin B-12 as goat’s milk and ten times as much folic acid (12 mcg. in cow’s milk versus 1 mcg. for goat’s milk per eight ounces with an RDA of 75-100 mcg. for children). The fact that goat’s milk contains less than ten percent of the amount of folic acid contained in cow’s milk means that it must be supplemented with folic acid in order to be adequate as a formula or milk substitute for infants and toddlers, and popular brands of goat’s milk may advertise “supplemented with folic acid” on the carton.
Goat Milk Formula vs Commercial Formula for Allergic Infants
Parents of babiesallergic to cow’s milk and other commercial formulasoften ask if it’s safe to use goat’s milk as an alternative. In theory, goat’s milk is less allergenic and more easily digestible than cow’s milk, but it should not be used as a substitute for infant formula. Like cow’s milk, it can cause intestinal irritation and anemia. If your baby under one year of age is allergic to cow’s milk-based formulas, try either a soy-based formula or a hypoallergenic formula. If your baby can’t tolerate either soy or hypoallergenic formulas, in consultation with your doctor and/or a pediatric nutritionist see the goat’s milk formula recipe below.
This formula has stood the test of time. One batch contains 715 calories and nineteen calories per ounce, which is essentially the same as cow’s milk formulas. This is sufficient for an infant six to twelve months. A baby on goat’s milk formula should also receive a multi-vitamin with iron supplement prescribed by her doctor. In infants over one year of age, goat’s milk can be readily used instead of cow’s milk. (Be sure to buy goat’s milk that is certified free of antiobiotics and bovine growth hormone (BGH). For more information about goat’s milk
call 1-800-891-GOAT.)
Is goat milk better than cow milk? Here’s a list of health benefits
Published onSeptember 6, 2011, Last Updated on March 6, 2014

While cow’s milk remains one of America’s most common daily drinks, it is interesting to note that it may also be the reason why many Americans experiencegas, bloating and other forms of indigestion.

When the average cow is given growth hormones, antibiotics, GMO feed, vaccinations and exposed to toxic conditions, it is no wonder that many humans experience negative effects from consumingpasteurized cow milk.
Goat’s milk is a much healthier alternative, especially when it is raw and organic. Goats produce about 2% of the global milk supply and it is interesting that most of the populations of people who consume goat milks cite a lower incidence of allergies and digestive complaints.

The Benefits of Goat Milk
Goat’s milk offers a wide variety of health benefits, with very few of the negative side effects of drinking regular cow milk.

1. Reaction to Inflammation
Some research suggests that one of the main benefits of goat milk is that it may benefit inflammation. Another reason why it is easier for people with bowel inflammation to drink goat’s milk, instead of cow’s milk.

2. Environmentally Friendly
Goats requires far less space and food than cows. Typically, you can comfortably raise six goats on the same acreage as two cows.

3. Metabolic agent
Studies done at the USDA and Prairie View A&M University, link goat’s milk to an increased ability to metabolize iron and copper, especially amongst individuals with digestion and absorption limitations. Besides drinking goat’s milk, you can also take adigestive enzymes supplementto help with this also.

4. Bio-availability
Another main health benefit of goat milk, is that it is closer to human mother’s milk than cow’s milk is. Because it has a chemical make up that is much closer to human milk, it is easier to digest and assimilate in the human body.

5. Lower in Fat
Goat’s milk is a great option for people who want to lose weight. It has less fat, but still maintains the high levels of proteins and essential amino acids found in cow’s milk.

6. High in Fatty Acids
While cow’s milk has about seventeen percent fatty acids, goat’s milk averages thirty five percent fatty acids, making it more nutritionally wholesome. In fact, up to 50% of people with lactose intolerance to cow’s milk find that they can easily digest goat’s milk, especially if it is raw.

7. Calcium-rich
Many people worry that they need to drink cow’s milk for calcium intake and the prevention of bone loss. Goat’s milk also offers high amounts of calcium, the amino acid tryptophan, and much less side effects of drinking cow’s milk. It’s just one of the manyfoods high in calcium.

8. Anti-Mucousal
While drinking cow’s milk is a common reason for allergies and excess mucous, goat’s milk is not. Cow’s milk is high in fat, which may increase mucous build-up. Moreover, the fat globules in goat’s milk are one ninth the size of those found in cow’s milk, another possible reason why it does not produce irritation in the gut.

9. Ultra-nourishing
In Naturopathic medicine, goat’s are referred to as bioorganic sodium animals. They are also associated with vigour, flexibility and vitality. Cows are calcium animals known for stability and heaviness. Bioorganic sodium is an important element in keeping joints mobile and limber. Goat milk has traditionally been used in medicinal cultures to nourish and regenerate an over-taxed nervous system. Goat’s milk is also extremely nutrient dense. It has almost 35% of your daily needs for calcium in one cup. Extremely high in riboflavin, just one cup of goat’s milk offers 20.0% of our daily needs. Add to that high amounts of phosphorous, Vitamin B12, protein and potassium. In fact, Ghandi himself rejuvenated his own health after extremely long periods of fasting through drinking raw goat’s milk[1].

10. Less toxic than Cow’s Milk
Whereas most cow’s milk is pumped full of bovine growth hormones as well as a substance known as bovine somatotropin, a hormone specific for increasing milk production in an unnatural way, goat’s are rarely treated with these substances. Because of its use on the fringes of big agriculture, goat’s milk is not only more nutritious for you, but also less toxic.

11. May Boost Immune System
Goat’s milk has the trace mineral, selenium, a key essential mineral in keeping the immune system strong and functioning normally.

Why You Should Drink Goat Milk Over Cow’s Milk
These are just a few of the many health benefits of goat milk. Not only does it contain more nutrients your body craves, but it also has less additives than cow’s milk. Go with the healthier choice.

– Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


Graduated in 1976 from Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine. For over thirty years Dr. Cooke has been caring for patients in a culture of holistic treatment, practicing a preventative illness approach, while teaching and encouraging patients the importance of wellness care. Dr. Cooke did his internship at Stevens Park Hospital in Dallas TX. The past twenty five years his private practice, family medicine, has been in Centralia/Chehalis, WA. “Health care is an exciting time with technological advances and yet with these scholarly developments I’m still amazed at how our bodies try and compensate, correct and facilitate the healing process under some extreme circumstances.”

Here are 5 reasons goat milk is better than cow milk.
1.Goat’s milk is less allergenic.

2.Goat’s milk is naturally homogenized.

3.Goat’s milk is easier to digest.

4.Goat’s milk rarely causes lactose intolerance.

5.Goat’s milk matches up to the human body better than cow’s milk.

1. Goat milk is less allergenic.
In the United State the most common food allergy for children under three is cow’s milk. Mild side effects include vomiting, diarrhea, and skin rashes and severe effects can be as serious as anaphylactic shock! Needless to say it is a serious condition. The allergic reaction can be blamed on a protein allergen known as Alpha s1 Casein found in high levels in cow’s milk. The levels of Alpha s1 Casein in goat’s milk are about 89% less than cow’s milk providing a far less allergenic food. In fact a recent study of infants allergic to cow’s milk found that nearly 93% could drink goat’s milk with virtually no side effects!1

2. Goat’s milk is naturally homogenized.
If you were to place both a glass of fresh cow’s milk as well as fresh goat’s milk in the refrigerator overnight, the next morning you would find that while the goat’s milk looks exactly the same, the cow’s milk has separated into two distinct ‘phases’ of cream on the top and skim milk on the bottom. This is a natural separation process that is caused by a compound called agglutinin and it will always cause the cow’s milk to separate. As Americans, we like everything neat and tidy and so to get the milk to the consumer in a uniform manner, the dairy industry utilizes a process called homogenization. This method works by forcing the fluid milk through a tiny hole under tremendous pressure which destroys the fat globule cell wall and allows the milk and cream to stay homogeneous or suspended and well mixed.

The problem with such homogenization is that once the cell wall of the fat globule has been broken, it releases a superoxide (free radical) known as Xanthine Oxidase. (see picture) Now free radicals cause a host of problems in the body not the least of which is DNA mutations which often lead to cancer! Thus, the benefit of natural homogenization comes into clear view. Goat’s milk has smaller fat globules and does not contain agglutinin which allows it to stay naturally homogenized thus eliminating the dangers associated with homogenization.

3. Goat’s milk is easier to digest.
Goat’s milk has smaller fat globules as well as higher levels of medium chain fatty acids. This means that during digestion, each fat globule and individual fatty acid will have a larger surface-to-volume ratio resulting in a quicker and easier digestion process. Also, when the proteins found in milk denature (clump up) in the stomach, they form a much softer bolus (curd) than cow’s milk. This allows the body to digest the protein more smoothly and completely than when digesting cow’s milk.

4. Goat’s milk rarely causes lactose intolerance.
All milk contains certain levels of lactose which is also known as ‘milk sugar.’ A relatively large portion of the population suffers from a deficiency (not an absence) of an enzyme known as lactase which is used to, you guessed it, digest lactose. This deficiency results in a condition known as lactose intolerance which is a fairly common ailment. (Lactose intolerance and cow’s milk allergy (cma) are two distinct conditions. CMA is due to a protein allergen, while lactose intolerance is due to a carbohydrate sensitivity.)

Goat’s milk contains less lactose than cow’s milk and therefore is easier to digest for those suffering from lactose intolerance. Now the interesting aspect to consider is that goat’s milk isn’t much lower than cow’s milk (contains about 10% less than cow’s milk) and yet, countless lactose intolerant patients are able to thrive on goat’s milk. Although the answer for this is unclear, it has been hypothesized that since goat’s milk is digested and absorbed in a superior manner, there is no “leftover” lactose that remains undigested which causes the painful and uncomfortable effects of lactose intolerance.

5. Goat’s milk matches up to the human body better than cow’s milk.
This matter is both an issue of biochemistry as well as thermodynamics. Regarding the biochemistry of the issue, we know that goat’s milk has a greater amount of essential fatty acids such as linoleic and arachidonic acid than cow’s milk as well as significantly greater amounts of vitamin B-6, vitamin A, and niacin. Goat’s milk is also a far superior source of the vitally important nutrient potassium which we discussed in a previous High Road to Health issue. This extensive amount of potassium causes goat’s milk to react in an alkaline way within the body whereas cow’s milk is lacking in potassium and ends up reacting in an acidic way.

Thermodynamically speaking, goat’s milk is better for human consumption. A baby usually starts life at around 7-9 pounds, a baby goat (kid) usually starts life at around 7-9 pounds, and a baby cow (calf) usually starts life at around 100 pounds. Now speaking from a purely thermodynamic position, these two animals have very significant and different nutritional needs for both maintenance and growth requirements. Cow’s milk is designed to take a 100 pound calf and transform it into a 1200 pound cow. Goat’s milk and human milk were both designed and created for transforming a 7-9 pound baby/kid into an average adult/goat of anywhere between 100-200 pounds. This significant discrepancy, along with many others, is manifesting on a national level as obesity rates sky rocket in the U.S.

To conclude, we have seen that goat’s milk has several attributes that cause it to be a far superior choice to cow’s milk. Goat’s milk is less allergenic, naturally homogenized, easier to digest, lactose intolerant friendly, and biochemically/thermodynamically superior to cow’s milk. As if these benefits were not enough,Mt. Capra’s goat’s milk productsdo not contain any growth hormones or antibiotics that massive cow dairies have come to rely upon to turn a profit! So to sum up and paraphrase the cow industry catchphrase: “Goat Milk: It Does a Body Good.

Le lait de chèvre un aliment très nutritif et bien assimilé par l'organisme
Une étude scientifique démontre que le lait de chèvre peut être considéré un aliment fonctionnel.

Un groupe de l'Université de Grenade, coordonné par la professeur Margarita Sánchez Campos, a démontré que le lait de chèvre contient de nombreuses substances nutritives qui contribue à améliorer l'état de santé.

La consommation habituelle de lait de chèvre par des individus présentant une anémie par déficience de fer améliore leur récupération, vu qu'il accentue l'efficacité nutritive du fer et la régénération de l'hémoglobine ; c'est-à-dire que ce type de lait minimise les interactions entre le calcium et le fer. D'autre part, il protège la stabilité de l'ADN même dans des situations de surcharge de fer dérivées de traitements prolongés avec ce minéral afin de pallier l'anémie.

Les chercheurs ont constaté que le lait de chèvre contient de nombreuses substances nutritives qui le rendent comparable au lait maternel, comme l'est la caséine. Le lait de chèvre contient moins de caséine du type alfa 1, responsable de la plupart des allergies au lait de vache. Il est ainsi hypoallergique.

Un lait favorisant la flore intestinale

Un autre parmi ses bénéfices est en rapport avec la quantité et la nature de ses oligosaccharides. Le lait de chèvre présente plus d'oligosaccharides de composition semblable à ceux du lait maternel. Ces composés arrivent au gros intestin sans avoir été digérés et agissent comme prébiotiques, contribuant ainsi au développement d'une flore probiotique qui élimine la flore bactérienne pathogène.

Moins de lactose

Le lait de chèvre contient tout à la fois une proportion moindre de lactose que celui de vache, quelque 1% de moins, mais comme sa digestibilité est plus grande, elle peut être tolérée par certains individus présentant une intolérance à ce sucre du lait. Mais attention, cela ne signifie pas qu'il ne peut y avoir de réaction allergique au lait de chèvre. Il arrive que certaines personnes soit allergique à la caséine du lait.

La différence essentielle entre la composition du lait de vache et celui de chèvre se trouve dans la nature de sa graisse, non seulement en raison d'une dimension moindre des globules, mais aussi de la composition que cette graisse présente quant à ses acides gras. Il contient plus d'acides gras essentiels (linoléique et araquidonique) que le lait de vache.

Les deux font partie de la série oméga 6. D'autre part, il présente 30-35% d'acides gras à chaîne moyenne (C6-C14) MCT, face aux 15-20% de celui de la vache. Ces acides gras constituent une source rapide d'énergie et ne se trouvent pas emmagasinés sous forme de tissu adipeux. De plus, la graisse de lait de chèvre diminue les niveaux de cholestérol total et maintient des niveaux adéquats de triglycérides et de transaminases (GOT et GPT). Ceci en fait un aliment de choix pour la prévention des maladies cardiovasculaires.
Une source de calcium hautement assimilable
Les scientifiques de l'UGR signalent qu'en ce qui concerne sa composition minérale, le lait de chèvre est riche en calcium et en phosphore, hautement biodisponible et facilement déposable dans la matrice organique de l'os, ce qui donne lieu à une amélioration des paramètres de formation osseuse. Il présente de même une quantité élevée de zinc et de sélénium, qui sont des substances micronutritives essentielles pour la défense antioxydante et la prévention de maladies neurodégénératives.
D'après les chercheurs, l'ensemble de ses raisons font que le lait de chèvre puisse être considéré un aliment naturel fonctionnel dont la consommation habituelle (ou celle de ses dérivés) doit être stimulée chez tout le monde, mais spécialement chez les personnes qui présentent des allergies, une intolérance au lait de vache, des problèmes d'absorption, un taux élevé de cholestérol, de l'anémie, une ostéoporose, ou bien ayant fait l'objet de traitements prolongés avec des suppléments en fer.

2. Peut-on nourrir son bébé au lait de chèvre ?
Le lait de chèvre est de plus en plus plébiscité par médecins et diététiciens, et pour cause, il possède denombreux bienfaits. Maisest-il recommandé de donner du lait de chèvre à un nourrisson? A partir de quel âge un enfant peut-il boire du lait de chèvre?Docteur Bonne Bouffe réponds à toutes vos questions.
Le lait de chèvre possède d’innombrables bienfaitsce qui en fait, sans doute, un des laits les plus sains pour la santé (Lire l’article à ce sujet:« Lait de chèvre ou lait de vache: lequel est meilleur pour la santé? »).

En effet, tout d’abord, en terme de composition, le lait de chèvre est le laitle plus semblable au lait maternel. De plus, le lait de chèvre fournit de nombreux précieux nutriments: il est plein devitamines A1, B1, B2, PP ou encore de vitamine C.Il est également une source importante de calcium et de protéines(même plus importante que le lait de vache -contrairement à ce qu’on croit!)

Bien que le lait de chèvre représente uneexcellente alternative au lait de vache, il reste néanmoinsnon recommandé aux nourrissons de moins de 12 mois.

En effet,le lait de chèvre possède de larges quantités de sels minéraux (phosphore, zinc, cuivre, potassium): un avantage chez les adultes, mais un inconvénient chez les nourrissons qui n’ont pas encore les reins pleinement développés.

Ceux-cine pourront donc pas digérer lesteneurs élevées en minéraux,surchargeant ainsi l’activité des reins. Sa consommation chez les nourrissons peut donc retentir gravement sur leur santé.

Le lait de chèvre possède également defaibles quantités de certaines vitaminespourtant vitales chez les nourrissons,c’est le cas notamment de lavitamine B12.

Le lait de chèvre peut donc exposer les bébés à unrisque important de carences.
Si vous envisagez de nourrir votre bébé au lait de chèvre, Docteur Bonne Bouffe vous recommande de consulter un pédiatre ou un médecin pour ne pas exposer votre enfant à desrisques de carences.

Qua các nghiên cứu trên ta thấy sữa dê giống với sữa mẹ: chứa nhiều vitamin, dễ tiêu hóa, không bị dị ứng, không tích lủy mỡ trắng gây béo phì, tránh loản xưong, bệnh tim mạch..có thể nói sữa dê là thực phẩm chức năng rất có lợi cho sức khỏe

DR. THOMAS COOKE cho thí dụ như sau : Nếu ta để ly sữa dê tươi vào tủ lạnh qua đêm thì sáng hôm sau ta thấy sữa không có gì thay đổi, vẫn còn đồng nhất.Trong lúc nếu là ly sữa bò tươi thì sữa bị phân chia làm hai phần, cream nổi bên trên và nước trong bên dưới. Tính phân chia tự nhiên nầy gây nhiều bất lợi cho cơ thể người uống sữa bò.

Hiện nay ở Việt Nam có giống dê hướng thịt được nuôi phổ biến có tên dê Boer. Để giúp mọi người hiểu rõ về nguồn gốc của giống dê nầy. Nam Phi là nước ở cực nam của Châu Phi, tiếng Anh gọi là South Africa, trước đây có nhiều người Hà Lan đến định cư khai khẩn, do vậy người ta không lấy làm lạ dân ở đây dùng tiếng Hà Lan như là tiếng thông dụng.Boer là chữ Hà Lan, có thể phiên âm cho người Việt dễ đọc là ‘’bua’’, có nghĩa là nông dân, dịch sang tiếng Anh là Farmer, chứ không phải '' dê bo'' như nhièu người đọc nhầm.

Vậy dê Boer có nguồn gốc từ Nam Phi do người Hà Lan nghiên cứu cho lai tạo ra và đặt tên cho giống dê nầy.
