Mr. Ralph Winters, owner of Guinea Farm, created this list of standards naming guineas colors he breeds and sells from his hatchery in New Vienna, Iowa. Permission has been granted by Mr.Winters to J.S. Ferguson of Frit's Farm to use his descriptions and photographs on this site for educational purposes. Do not violate his copyright. Neither this descriptive list nor pictures are to be copied without his written permission. All photos on this page belong to or were donated to Frit's Farm with permission, and are not to be copied. Copyright Violators can be prosecuted.
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><CAPTION>[SIZE=+2]Guinea Fowl: COLOR CHART for Adults and Keets[/SIZE]</CAPTION><TBODY><TR><TD>Pearl Gray: [SIZE=-1]These are a dark gray with white dots through out their plumage. They are the old fashion original color of Guineas, a favorite, prized by many for their beautiful dotted feathers. [/SIZE]</TD><TD>Keets [SIZE=-1]are brown with black stripes and markings and a tan underside. The head has a broad black stripe down the center with two narrow black stripes on each side of it, with narrow orange stripes between the black. The beak, legs, and toes are orange.[/SIZE]</TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER>
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>White: [SIZE=-1]These are pure white with a few black hairs on the back of the neck. The whites have lighter colored skin and the meat is lighter color also. The colored guineas have all dark meat. Both are fine textured and with a gamy taste. Both are very good eating and a fine delicacy.[/SIZE]</TD><TD>Keets [SIZE=-1]are snow white with orange beak, lets, and toes. Many of the keets have a small black spot on the back of their head, although not all of them will have this.[/SIZE]</TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER>
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Lavender: [SIZE=-1]They are light blue with white dots. This is a very popular color. [/SIZE]
</TD><TD>Keets [SIZE=-1]are a light blue with dark blue stripes and markings. The belly is light blue. The head markings are a broad dark blue stripe down the center of the head with two narrow dark blue stripes on each side of it, with narrow tan stripes between the dark blue stripes. The beak, legs, and toes are orange. Like all guinea keets, they are very lively and alert.[/SIZE]</TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER>
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Royal Purple: [SIZE=-1]These are a very dark black color with a lovely purplish sheen. They do not have regular dotting, but do have some dotting and barring in the flank area. These are magnificently handsome beauties.[/SIZE]
</TD><TD>Keets: [SIZE=-1]The keets are brown with small irregular black striping on the back and the top of the head. The face, front of the neck, belly, and wings are white. Beak, legs, and toes are orange. These feather brown with black markings. They feather with a dark underside, loosing all the white as they feather. At two to three months of age, they molt in with their dark black feathers. Purples are often confused with Pearl Grays before this molt.[/SIZE]</TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER>
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Coral Blue: [SIZE=-1]These are a medium blue which tend to a darker beautiful coral blue on the neck, breast, and back. Sometimes referred to as the only poultry with a true sky blue color. These are not dotted, but do have a few dots and bars in the flank area. They are very colorful. [/SIZE]
</TD><TD>Keets[SIZE=-1] are light blue with dark blue irregular striping on their backs. The top of the head is dark blue irregularly striped with tan between the stripes. The face, front of the neck, belly, and wings are white. Beak, legs, and toes are orange. These feather a light irregular blue all over (no white) and are often confused with Lavenders until at two to three months, when they molt to their darker coral blue color.[/SIZE]</TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER>
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Buff Dundotte: [SIZE=-1]These are a soft tan color with white dots throughout. The hens are darker color than the cocks. These can almost be ***ed by color. They are very unusual a d beautiful. [/SIZE]
</TD><TD>Keets [SIZE=-1]are a light tan color with dark tan stripes on the back and head. Once again a broad tan stripe with two narrow tan stripes on each side. Light tan underside. Beak, legs, and toes are a light orange. Day old keets are darker on the hens and lighter on the cocks. These feather near white until they molt at two to three months. Then they get the tan color with dots. These are easily mistaken for Whites, Buffs, Porcelains, and Opalines before the molt.[/SIZE]</TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER>
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Buff: [SIZE=-1]These are a soft tan color without dots. Once again, the hens are darker than the cocks as adults, and keets. They are rare and in great demand.[/SIZE]</TD><TD>Keets [SIZE=-1]are near white with light irregular tan stripes on the head and back. They feather near white and are hard to distinguish from the other light colored varieties until the molt at two to three months.[/SIZE]</TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER>
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Porcelain: [SIZE=-1]These are a very pale pastel blue with white dots. Hens are darker here also. This is a dilute of the Lavender, very rare.[/SIZE]</TD><TD>Keets [SIZE=-1]are off white with very light blue gray stripping on the head and back. Broad and narrow stripes on the head again. They feather near white until they molt at two to three months.[/SIZE]</TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER>
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Opaline: [SIZE=-1]The coloring of these is a pale icy whitish blue, essentially a bleached Coral Blue. Hens are darker than the cocks. Also very rare.[/SIZE]</TD><TD>Keets [SIZE=-1]are near white with only a tint of bluish on their head and back. ALmost the same as the whites, but they do not have any black spots on the head as some of the whites do. These feather near white until they molt.[/SIZE]</TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER>
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Slate: [SIZE=-1]These are very rare, being seldom seen in the U.S. They're a steel blue color with a slight cast of cream color over the shoulder and back. They also have a collar of iridescent purplish blue around their neck. This extends from the bare area on the neck down to the shoulder in the back and the crop area in the front. The color is very uniform with no dotting or barring as in the other semi-solid color varieties. This is a very nice color and will be very popular as more of these become available.[/SIZE]</TD><TD>Keets [SIZE=-1]are a solid rusty cinnamon red color with no stripes. They are a little lighter color on the belly. Very cute little keets. As they feather they gradually change to the steel blue color.[/SIZE]
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Brown: [SIZE=-1]These are dark brown with white cots. The males are slightly lighter than the hens. [/SIZE]
</TD><TD>Keets [SIZE=-1]are similar in color to the Pearl Gray keets, only slightly lighter. They feather a light tan color until they molt at two to three months old and come in quite dark with white dots. These are very rare and beautiful.[/SIZE]</TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER>
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Powder Blue: [SIZE=-1]These are a solid uniform light blue color. They have absolutely no dots or barring. A very pretty new color. [/SIZE]</TD><TD>Keets [SIZE=-1]are a solid light pewter color. They feather from the start with their light blue color.[/SIZE]</TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER>
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Chocolate: [SIZE=-1]These are a dark brown color, very unusual. They have a few dots and bars in the flank area. [/SIZE]</TD><TD>Keets[SIZE=-1] are near white with tan irregular stripes on their head and back. They feather light tan similar to the Browns, but at two to three months they molt to a dark brown color.[/SIZE]</TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER>
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Violet: [SIZE=-1]These are a dusty black with a purple sheen throughout. They look very purple on a cloudy day or in the shade, unlike the Royal Purple which show their purple best in the sun. However with the sun at your back, the Violets have a very iridescent purple throughout. These are a solid uniform color with no dots or barring.[/SIZE]</TD><TD>Keets a[SIZE=-1]re a rusty red color with a white belly and wings. These are very cute. As they feather they gradually change to the steel blue color and then darken to a dusty black, with the purple sheen.[/SIZE]
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Bronze: [SIZE=-1]These are a dark black color with a cast of bronze or brown over the shoulders, back and on the neck and chest. The primary wing feathers have a reddish color. These are very similar to the Royal Purples but have lost most of the purple sheen and taken on the bronze cast.[/SIZE]</TD><TD>As keets [SIZE=-1]and through the growing period they are very similar to the Purples. In fact, it takes until they are 6 months old to really get the bronze color. [/SIZE]
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Sky Blue: [SIZE=-1]These are a beautiful blue color similar to the coral blue, only without any dots or bars as the Coral Blues have. They are a solid blue color with a hint of blue on blue lacing. [/SIZE]</TD><TD>Keets [SIZE=-1]are a solid light blue color with white belly and wings. They feather a light blue with color similar to the Powder Blues but get a darker blue as they mature. [/SIZE]</TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER> </CENTER></TD><TD><CENTER> </CENTER></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER>
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Pewter: [SIZE=-1]These are a pewter gray color. Sometimes a little streaky in appearance. [/SIZE]</TD><TD>Keets[SIZE=-1] are a solid rusty red color like the Slates only a little lighter in color. They feather light blue, and later turn to the pewter gray color.[/SIZE]</TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER> </CENTER></TD><TD><CENTER> </CENTER></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER>
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Lite Lavender: [SIZE=-1]These are a light version of the Lavender. The color is right in between the Lavender and the Porcelain. [/SIZE]</TD><TD>Keets [SIZE=-1]are a solid light blue with a white face and throat. They feather light blue and gradually get white dots throughout. [/SIZE]</TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER> </CENTER></TD><TD><CENTER> </CENTER></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER>
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Pied: [SIZE=-1]These have white in the chest, wing and sometimes the back area. Pied can be of various mixed colors. Some in purple, pearl, chocolate, buff and other colors all with white on them.[/SIZE]</TD><TD>Keets[SIZE=-1] vary in color with white wings, belly and face.[/SIZE]
<CENTER><TABLE border=2 cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=2 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=1><TBODY><TR><TD><CENTER>[SIZE=+1]More Pictures[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]Color Genetics of Guinea Fowl Frit's Farm[/SIZE]</CENTER></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER>
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><CAPTION>[SIZE=+2]Guinea Fowl: COLOR CHART for Adults and Keets[/SIZE]</CAPTION><TBODY><TR><TD>Pearl Gray: [SIZE=-1]These are a dark gray with white dots through out their plumage. They are the old fashion original color of Guineas, a favorite, prized by many for their beautiful dotted feathers. [/SIZE]</TD><TD>Keets [SIZE=-1]are brown with black stripes and markings and a tan underside. The head has a broad black stripe down the center with two narrow black stripes on each side of it, with narrow orange stripes between the black. The beak, legs, and toes are orange.[/SIZE]</TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER>
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>White: [SIZE=-1]These are pure white with a few black hairs on the back of the neck. The whites have lighter colored skin and the meat is lighter color also. The colored guineas have all dark meat. Both are fine textured and with a gamy taste. Both are very good eating and a fine delicacy.[/SIZE]</TD><TD>Keets [SIZE=-1]are snow white with orange beak, lets, and toes. Many of the keets have a small black spot on the back of their head, although not all of them will have this.[/SIZE]</TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER>
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Lavender: [SIZE=-1]They are light blue with white dots. This is a very popular color. [/SIZE]
</TD><TD>Keets [SIZE=-1]are a light blue with dark blue stripes and markings. The belly is light blue. The head markings are a broad dark blue stripe down the center of the head with two narrow dark blue stripes on each side of it, with narrow tan stripes between the dark blue stripes. The beak, legs, and toes are orange. Like all guinea keets, they are very lively and alert.[/SIZE]</TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER>
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Royal Purple: [SIZE=-1]These are a very dark black color with a lovely purplish sheen. They do not have regular dotting, but do have some dotting and barring in the flank area. These are magnificently handsome beauties.[/SIZE]
</TD><TD>Keets: [SIZE=-1]The keets are brown with small irregular black striping on the back and the top of the head. The face, front of the neck, belly, and wings are white. Beak, legs, and toes are orange. These feather brown with black markings. They feather with a dark underside, loosing all the white as they feather. At two to three months of age, they molt in with their dark black feathers. Purples are often confused with Pearl Grays before this molt.[/SIZE]</TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER>
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Coral Blue: [SIZE=-1]These are a medium blue which tend to a darker beautiful coral blue on the neck, breast, and back. Sometimes referred to as the only poultry with a true sky blue color. These are not dotted, but do have a few dots and bars in the flank area. They are very colorful. [/SIZE]
</TD><TD>Keets[SIZE=-1] are light blue with dark blue irregular striping on their backs. The top of the head is dark blue irregularly striped with tan between the stripes. The face, front of the neck, belly, and wings are white. Beak, legs, and toes are orange. These feather a light irregular blue all over (no white) and are often confused with Lavenders until at two to three months, when they molt to their darker coral blue color.[/SIZE]</TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER>
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Buff Dundotte: [SIZE=-1]These are a soft tan color with white dots throughout. The hens are darker color than the cocks. These can almost be ***ed by color. They are very unusual a d beautiful. [/SIZE]
</TD><TD>Keets [SIZE=-1]are a light tan color with dark tan stripes on the back and head. Once again a broad tan stripe with two narrow tan stripes on each side. Light tan underside. Beak, legs, and toes are a light orange. Day old keets are darker on the hens and lighter on the cocks. These feather near white until they molt at two to three months. Then they get the tan color with dots. These are easily mistaken for Whites, Buffs, Porcelains, and Opalines before the molt.[/SIZE]</TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER>
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Buff: [SIZE=-1]These are a soft tan color without dots. Once again, the hens are darker than the cocks as adults, and keets. They are rare and in great demand.[/SIZE]</TD><TD>Keets [SIZE=-1]are near white with light irregular tan stripes on the head and back. They feather near white and are hard to distinguish from the other light colored varieties until the molt at two to three months.[/SIZE]</TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER>
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Porcelain: [SIZE=-1]These are a very pale pastel blue with white dots. Hens are darker here also. This is a dilute of the Lavender, very rare.[/SIZE]</TD><TD>Keets [SIZE=-1]are off white with very light blue gray stripping on the head and back. Broad and narrow stripes on the head again. They feather near white until they molt at two to three months.[/SIZE]</TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER>
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Opaline: [SIZE=-1]The coloring of these is a pale icy whitish blue, essentially a bleached Coral Blue. Hens are darker than the cocks. Also very rare.[/SIZE]</TD><TD>Keets [SIZE=-1]are near white with only a tint of bluish on their head and back. ALmost the same as the whites, but they do not have any black spots on the head as some of the whites do. These feather near white until they molt.[/SIZE]</TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER>
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Slate: [SIZE=-1]These are very rare, being seldom seen in the U.S. They're a steel blue color with a slight cast of cream color over the shoulder and back. They also have a collar of iridescent purplish blue around their neck. This extends from the bare area on the neck down to the shoulder in the back and the crop area in the front. The color is very uniform with no dotting or barring as in the other semi-solid color varieties. This is a very nice color and will be very popular as more of these become available.[/SIZE]</TD><TD>Keets [SIZE=-1]are a solid rusty cinnamon red color with no stripes. They are a little lighter color on the belly. Very cute little keets. As they feather they gradually change to the steel blue color.[/SIZE]
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Brown: [SIZE=-1]These are dark brown with white cots. The males are slightly lighter than the hens. [/SIZE]
</TD><TD>Keets [SIZE=-1]are similar in color to the Pearl Gray keets, only slightly lighter. They feather a light tan color until they molt at two to three months old and come in quite dark with white dots. These are very rare and beautiful.[/SIZE]</TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER>
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Powder Blue: [SIZE=-1]These are a solid uniform light blue color. They have absolutely no dots or barring. A very pretty new color. [/SIZE]</TD><TD>Keets [SIZE=-1]are a solid light pewter color. They feather from the start with their light blue color.[/SIZE]</TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER>
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Chocolate: [SIZE=-1]These are a dark brown color, very unusual. They have a few dots and bars in the flank area. [/SIZE]</TD><TD>Keets[SIZE=-1] are near white with tan irregular stripes on their head and back. They feather light tan similar to the Browns, but at two to three months they molt to a dark brown color.[/SIZE]</TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER>
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Violet: [SIZE=-1]These are a dusty black with a purple sheen throughout. They look very purple on a cloudy day or in the shade, unlike the Royal Purple which show their purple best in the sun. However with the sun at your back, the Violets have a very iridescent purple throughout. These are a solid uniform color with no dots or barring.[/SIZE]</TD><TD>Keets a[SIZE=-1]re a rusty red color with a white belly and wings. These are very cute. As they feather they gradually change to the steel blue color and then darken to a dusty black, with the purple sheen.[/SIZE]
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Bronze: [SIZE=-1]These are a dark black color with a cast of bronze or brown over the shoulders, back and on the neck and chest. The primary wing feathers have a reddish color. These are very similar to the Royal Purples but have lost most of the purple sheen and taken on the bronze cast.[/SIZE]</TD><TD>As keets [SIZE=-1]and through the growing period they are very similar to the Purples. In fact, it takes until they are 6 months old to really get the bronze color. [/SIZE]
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Sky Blue: [SIZE=-1]These are a beautiful blue color similar to the coral blue, only without any dots or bars as the Coral Blues have. They are a solid blue color with a hint of blue on blue lacing. [/SIZE]</TD><TD>Keets [SIZE=-1]are a solid light blue color with white belly and wings. They feather a light blue with color similar to the Powder Blues but get a darker blue as they mature. [/SIZE]</TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER> </CENTER></TD><TD><CENTER> </CENTER></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER>
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Pewter: [SIZE=-1]These are a pewter gray color. Sometimes a little streaky in appearance. [/SIZE]</TD><TD>Keets[SIZE=-1] are a solid rusty red color like the Slates only a little lighter in color. They feather light blue, and later turn to the pewter gray color.[/SIZE]</TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER> </CENTER></TD><TD><CENTER> </CENTER></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER>
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Lite Lavender: [SIZE=-1]These are a light version of the Lavender. The color is right in between the Lavender and the Porcelain. [/SIZE]</TD><TD>Keets [SIZE=-1]are a solid light blue with a white face and throat. They feather light blue and gradually get white dots throughout. [/SIZE]</TD></TR><TR><TD><CENTER> </CENTER></TD><TD><CENTER> </CENTER></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER>
<CENTER><TABLE border=1 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=2><TBODY><TR><TD>Pied: [SIZE=-1]These have white in the chest, wing and sometimes the back area. Pied can be of various mixed colors. Some in purple, pearl, chocolate, buff and other colors all with white on them.[/SIZE]</TD><TD>Keets[SIZE=-1] vary in color with white wings, belly and face.[/SIZE]
<CENTER><TABLE border=2 cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=2 width=600 bgColor=#ffffff cols=1><TBODY><TR><TD><CENTER>[SIZE=+1]More Pictures[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]Color Genetics of Guinea Fowl Frit's Farm[/SIZE]</CENTER></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER>