Cây gì, chất gì độc hại với con dê?

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Con dê ăn được nhiều loại lá, kể cả lá rất độc như lá Ngón. Tuy nhiên để tránh thiệt hại đáng tiếc xảy ra thì có loại lá, quả nào ( như quả cây củ đậu chẳng hạn ...) hoặc chất bảo vệ thực vật nào ( Thuốc trừ cỏ , trừ sâu ...) gây hại , chết dê ? xin các nhà khoa học hoặc ai biết xin mách chỉ giúp để phòng tránh .
www.zzbaba.com Toshiba Pocket PC e800 with Microsoft Windows Mobile 2003 120.00EUR

Contact us:7*24 hour On-line serviceWeb-site:http://www.zzbaba.com [align=left]Technical Details
  • Store and access names, addresses, and phone numbers
  • Download email from your notebook using Microsoft Active Sync 3.7 and read them later
  • Built-in microphone and digital voice recorder
  • Built-in SD and CF slots supports storage, communication and other options
  • Operating System: Microsoft Windows Mobile 2003
From the ManufacturerThe Toshiba Pocket PC e800 is a feature-rich PDA designed for those who desire a compact data device to store valuable data and keep connected to the Internet or local area network. Packaged in an all-new blue design with a bright 4.0" diagonal display, the Pocket PC e800/805 includes built-in wireless connectivity, voice-over IP (VoIP)* capability and easy-to-use hands-free applications such as text-to-speech and voice command for added convenience and versatility. Features
  • Store and access names, addresses, and phone numbers
  • Download email from your notebook using Microsoft Active Sync* 3.7 and read them later
  • Keep track of To-Do Lists, your schedule, and important appointments
  • Built-in microphone and digital voice recorder
  • Rechargeable/Removable Lithium Ion Battery
  • Easy data synchronization with your PC
  • Built-in SD and CF slots supports storage, communication and other options
  • Integrated Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11b) -- no need to leave your desk behind
Note: A subscription to VLI Inc. VoIP phone service is needed to conduct VoIP calls to a phone system Product DescriptionReliability. Performance. Technology. Leadership. The Toshiba name means all this and more. Toshiba builds upon this heritage by delivering the industry's most innovative, high-quality solutions. [/align]