Bán Bán/cung cấp hạt giống cỏ sả - Purple Guinea/0976530136

  • Thread starter nguyenluc
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Giống cỏ sả dùng trong chăn nuôi bò thịt, bò sữa, dê ....

Purple guinea TD58

Xuất xứ: Thái Lan

Purple Guinea
  • Tall grass, very suitable for cut-and-carry.
  • Also used for grazing.
  • Very high production.
  • Good quality forage.
  • Sow at least 1kg seed per rai.
  • Packing in 1kg and 20kg bags.
Scientific name: Panicum maximum cv.Tanzania (Purple, TD58)

Productivity: TanzaniaGuinea is a tall grass, 1.5-2.5m high, which is very suitable for cut-and-carry. In South America it is grazed, but inThailand is mainly used for cut-and-carry forage. It is the main grass for fresh grass sales inThailand. It is a very productive leafy grass, producing between 12 and 30 t/ha dry matter per year.

Crude protein levels: 8-12% crude protein in Thailand on poor soils and 12-16 % crude protein on better soils.

Animal production: In South America, liveweight gains of 720 g/hd/day during the wet and 240 g in the dry season.


Grazing management: Can be either rotationally grazed or set stocked. Management depends on the farmer’s experience. All farmers in Thailand prefer cut-and-carry. Therefore cut every 40-45 days in the wet season and 60-70 days in the cool season.

Establishment: Can be either planted in rows, 50 cm apart, or broadcast sown at 6-8 kg/ha. Sow the seed on to the soil surface, brush the seed with soil by using tree branches or large brooms. Bury the seed no more than 1-2 cm under the soil. It is easy to plant from rooted tillers. It needs well drained, good fertility soils to grow well.

Background: It was introduced into Thailand from the Ivory Coast in the late 1980s. It was immediately accepted by Thailand farmers, because it was far more productive than common guinea grass and it produced very high yields of good quality forage. It was also easy to produce seed and so seed was readily available.
Scientific name: Panicum maximum cv.Tanzania (Purple, TD58)

Productivity: TanzaniaGuinea is a tall grass, 1.5-2.5m high, which is very suitable for cut-and-carry. In South America it is grazed, but inThailand is mainly used for cut-and-carry forage. It is the main grass for fresh grass sales inThailand. It is a very productive leafy grass, producing between 12 and 30 t/ha dry matter per year.

Crude protein levels: 8-12% crude protein in Thailand on poor soils and 12-16 % crude protein on better soils.

Animal production: In South America, liveweight gains of 720 g/hd/day during the wet and 240 g in the dry season.


Grazing management: Can be either rotationally grazed or set stocked. Management depends on the farmer’s experience. All farmers in Thailand prefer cut-and-carry. Therefore cut every 40-45 days in the wet season and 60-70 days in the cool season.

Establishment: Can be either planted in rows, 50 cm apart, or broadcast sown at 6-8 kg/ha. Sow the seed on to the soil surface, brush the seed with soil by using tree branches or large brooms. Bury the seed no more than 1-2 cm under the soil. It is easy to plant from rooted tillers. It needs well drained, good fertility soils to grow well.

Background: It was introduced into Thailand from the Ivory Coast in the late 1980s. It was immediately accepted by Thailand farmers, because it was far more productive than common guinea grass and it produced very high yields of good quality forage. It was also easy to produce seed and so seed was readily available.
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Bên em có bán hạt giống cỏ dùng cho nuôi bò sữa, thịt, trâu, dê, cừu, cá...
Ví dụ:
- Giống cỏ paspalum utratum: chịu được ngập nước, chịu được đất nhiễm mặn nhẹ, chua, phèn.
- Giống cỏ mulato II: chịu thâm canh, hàm lượng dinh dưỡng cao, là giống cỏ tốt nhất hiện nay được dùng làm thức ăn tươi trong nuôi bò sữa
- Thời gian thu hoạch: sau 6-7 năm
- Giá cả phù hợp, làm việc nhanh chóng, gieo trồng dễ dàng, uy tín chất lượng, với mong muốn phục vụ nông dân, không vì lợi ích lợi nhuận buôn bán.
Trồng cỏ đáp ứng nguồn thức ăn tươi quanh năm, đồng thời đảm bảo đủ dinh dưỡng cho vật nuôi.
Vui lòng liên hệ: Mr Lực 0976530136
Chúng tôi chuyên cung cấp các giống cỏ chăn nuôi NHẬP KHẨU
Giống của Thái Lan: mombasa guine, ubon paspalum, ubon stylo, ruzi, mulato 2...(giống cỏ lai 2 dòng, 3 dòng) trồng trên chân đất cạn hoặc ngập nước, cỏ cho ăn tươi hoặc ủ chua, cỏ cắt hoặc chăn thả, dinh dưỡng cao, thân lá mềm, tỉ lệ lá nhiều hơn thân, cỏ dạng bụi, thân thấp
Giống cỏ Mỹ: BMR là giống cỏ lai F1 Sorghum sudan, mọc đơn thân, thân lá to, năng suất cao, sinh trưởng mạnh; giống cỏ hắc mạnh lưu niên, giống cỏ hắc mạnh 1 năm, thân lá nhỏ, thấp, cỏ mềm
Giống cỏ Úc: superdan, sweet jumbo, thân đơn, thân lá to, năng suất cao, sinh trưởng mạnh, thích hợp thu hoạch bằng máy, cắt băm ủ chua hoặc cho ăn tươi
Đảm bảo đúng chủng loại, chất lượng, số lượng, tỷ lệ nảy mầm cao. Mua hàng trước trả tiền sau, bưu điện phát hàng đến tận nhà mới thanh toán.
Chi tiết liên hệ mua hạt giống: Mr Lực 0976530136








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